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tv   Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown  CNN  June 3, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome to our viewers and around the world. i'm hala gorani. it is 6:00 a.m. in london now, whereea at l six people are dead in a frightening terror rampage. it started with a van speeding across london bridge mowing down pedestrians in the 10:00 p.m. hour in the british capital. one witness says people went flying into the air and that the van appeared to aim for people walking along the bridge deliberately. british media say this is the rental van. police say from there it drove to nearby borough market, panicked customers, running for
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their lives as witnesses say the attackers started stabbing people. uk police say six people were killed. we have some graphic pictures to show you from inside the market. you can see people with blood on their clothes lying on the ground and others as well tending to the wounded. authorities say more than 30 people have been taken to hospitals across london, some of them pretty badly injured. 80 medics responded to this scene, according to other figures we have, that authorities have shared with us. now, we have this picture taken by a witness which shows two men on the ground. now, we're not sure if they are the attackers, though we're presuming they are. they're wearing some sort of fake suicide belt. and listen to this testimony. >> our current belief is that there were three attackers, but this is early on. so we've still got some inquiries to work through to be xheetly confident about this. and our response vehicles are driving around london day, in
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day out to protect the public. they responded quickly, bravely coronted these three individuals, shot them, and they e dead. >> mark rowley of the london metropolitan police. let's bring in our cnn international correspondent fred pleitgen. the police say they believe there were three assailants, they've all been killed by authorities. technically no, one on the loose, no one left. >> well, technically no one on the loose. but the question of course now is is there some sort of larger network behind all this. and of course in the early stages when the police wasn't sure whether or not there might still be people on the loose they were literally going house to house in a lot of these streets and you could hear all these bangs going off in the neighborhood right around london bridge. we're not exactly sure what that was, whether it was some sort of controlled explosions or some sort of diversion devices or something that they set off. there was a big not manhunt but almost a dragnet going on where they were looking for people. and now i guess the big question is going to be is there a larger network behind all of this?
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so are there possibly still people somewhere on the loose that might have had something to do with logistics, getting this van potentially, planning -- >> and setting the scene, there was so much chaos and confusion that police didn't know among those running away from london bridge who might have been an assaila assailant. >> yeah, absolutely. it was really chaos not only here but of course at the borough market as well. it's quite remarkable that the police apparently were able to take out the attackers in about eight minutes. but of course with so many people then running around it was impossible for them to tell whether or not there was another assailant hiding amongst the crowds. when we came here about 45 minutes after t attack there were still many people coming out of that area, and the police really telling them to run and move very, very quickly. >> some with their hands on their heads. >> some with their hands on their heads to make sure police didn't think they might be assailants as well. but the police were really trying to keep it all orderly while also trying to make it go as fast as possible. they were telling people you've got to move very, very quickly,
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channeling them into the right place. it was really -- it wasn't a chaotic scene but certainly there were some people very frightened as they came out. >> london bridge obviously a major london landmark. borough market as well was rehabb rehabbed. it's got tons of cafes and restaurants now. it's a hip area in london for young people to go out, have a drink and get some food, especially on a warm saturday night. >> and it was very, very full. even when we got here, after the attack happened, it was still very full. there were still paem out on the streets a couple of streets down from here, but also still out there near the borough market area with them obviously all coming out. the weather was fairly warm. there were a lot of people out having drinks, having dinner. it was really, really a packed scene. and that of course was also the case when the van went on to london bridge. there were also people there on the pavement walking around. the van apparently started swerving from side to side to
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try to hit as many people as possible. >> initially there was a bit of confusion because when we heard the reports of the borough market stabbing attack we thought is this two groups, separate groups, but it appears as if the same individuals from the van attack then tpd -- >> in the initial stages they were referring to and we were referring to two separate incidents that were taking place even though it was clear they were very, very close to one another and it could very well be possible that the attacks were related. and now it does appear as though it was the same people that apparently went through -- went across london bridge, then at some point stopped the van, went into the borough market and went on there on their rampage there. >> and there was a third reported incident at vauxhall -- >> that turned out to be nothing. that was actually also a stabbing incident but apparently not related in any way, shape, or form to the attacks here. >> thanks very much, fred pleitgen, our senior international correspondent following this story. an eyewitness named jack applebee is a restaurant owner
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near london bridge. he described the rampage as it unfolded. >> i have a few friends. it was a little bit crazy. some people just kept running down the street. this one girl started saying they're stabbing everyone, they're stabbing people. i literally just turned back around. i said everyone to the back. trying to keep it as quick as we can. and literally everyone got up off their seat, rushed them all to the back. then it just sort of -- you don't really think at the time and sort of went to go grab the key for the shutter and tried to put the shutter down. and i literally turned back around and there were these three men standing there, one of which had a machete and had this sort of belt on. they looked at us and i didn't know what to do. everyone was sort of at the back of the restaurant and i just sort of carried on going back down toward the street, and me and a colleague ran toward the
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front. he kept lookout, and i managed to get the shot down. almost as far as we could. it was a moment of panic. the shutter was being slow as usual. we just sort of -- everyone got locked inside. we left the shutter down. but then when we looked, we looked underneath. in about five minutes everyone was at the back. and whichever one was worried -- we've still got a gap in the shutter. everyone's upstairs. we were trying to keep everyone calm. all the staff. everyone just sort of -- everyone did a really good job honestly. it was a moment of absolute fannic. for about an hour and a half we were hiding upstairs. there were just gunshots going everywhere. we believed it might be a suicide vest. everyone handing out water toefrn. just sort of trying to keep everyone okay. it was just crazy.
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about an hour and a half later police knocked on the shutter and sort of -- they called for me to come give them the key. they opened the shutter, and everyone gets sort of escorted out of there immediately, hands on the head, running toward the shard. it was just so crazy. >> jack applebee, a restaurant owner, who was a witness, speaking to cnn in the immediate aftermath of the attack. the british prime minister theresa may is at number 10 downing street. she will comair a meeting of the government's cobra emergency committee. london's mayor siddic khan released this statement, "had i thoughts are with everyone aaffected and i would like to thank the men and women of the emergency services who will be working throughout the night. we don't know the full details but this was a deliberate and cowardly attack on innocent londoners and visitors to our city enjoying saturday night. i condemn it in the strongest possible terms. there is no justification whatsoever for such barbaric attacks."
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this statement by the mayor of london, saadiq khan. cnn's diplomatic editor nic robertson joins me now. before we get to the attack itself let's talk about the after manchester here we're seeing another possible terrorist attack and the emergency services, the counterterrorism agencies and the police are going to have to look at exactly what happened and how to prevent this in the future. >> absolutely. the most sort of immediate thing will be to consider whether or not these three men are in some way connected with a wider group and there will be a possibility connected to them of an immediate follow-on attack. certainly for the security services knowing that these were dummy explosives that they were carrying, not real explosives, does remove the apparent threat of bomb maker being on the loose, bomb-making factory yet
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to be found. that was the situation in manchester. so that perhaps is out of the equation. but for the prime minister and for her senior officials, defense security intelligence police chiefs and others who'll meet today, they will be weighing with the joint counterterrorism task force. they will be weighing the possibility of raising as they did after the manchester attack the threat level from severe as it is now to critical. of course went to critical shortly after the manchester attack indeed. at the second cobra meeting the day immediately after the attack. but these will be the issues that the program will be facing. but of course she will hope to be getting by this stage? details about who these men were precisely, were they known to authorities, who was in their immediate circle and therefore begin to build that strolgs yub
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pi stronger picture of where the threat assessment should be and the precautions to take from here. >> we don't know anything about the attackers right now, right, nic? >> reporter: we don't. nothing at the moment. only that there were three, they came in the van, they rammed people, they jumped out with their knives, they attacked people with their knives. no more details beyond that. of course we all remember that some of the key pieces of information last time were leaked from u.s. intelligence sources after they'd been shared by british officials with u.s. counterparts to try to refine their search for who was responsible in the manchester attack. that's where the first information came from. and also it led to the early announcement to in the case of manchester salman abedi's name. we've had none of that this
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time. very little information. the police press conference was the first time we had solid details. that coming just an hour or so ago. and the emergency services releasing figures of how many people, how many casualties have. treated, taken to hospital, and which hospital. so the information so far has been of a very limited nature, particularly when it comes to precisely who was involved. >> they're certainly going to want to keep as much information now to themselves as they continue the investigation. as they also -- the big question is did these three individuals act alone, was it just the three of them, is there a wider network, were they communicating in any way with an outside group? so all those questions that of course we all want answers to as the city continues to grapple with the reality of another terror attack against britain.
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the u.s. president donald trump tweeted about the attacks earlier, "we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need the travel ban as an extra level of safety." and then a bit later, "whatever the united states can do to help out in london and the uk we will be there. we are with you. god bless!" those two dweets from donald trump. coming up, we'll have more on the coordinated terror attacks in certainly london. stay with us. you're watching cnn. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience you'll barely feel. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. new flonase sensimist changes everything.
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back to our breaking news out of london. at least six people are dead. dozens more wounded after two terror attacks in the heart of the city saturday night. multiple victims were stabbed in a rampage through borough market, a busy area filled with shops and cafes. and moments earlier a vehicle raced across london bridge, slamming into crowds of people deliberately. one eyewitness says this van
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appeared as though it was purposefully aiming for people. they say one person was thrown some 20 feet in the air. london police shot and killed three suspected assailants. this picture shows two men on the ground, both wearing fake explosive vests. it's been less than two weeks since 22 people were killed after a pop concert in manchester, england. joining me now is kane pieri who witnessed some of the chaos in central london. where were you when the attacks started? >> i was just between borough market and the bridge. i was coming out of london bridge station, having done a story with my colleague, and we were wondering what to do. as we were crossing the road on -- just in front of where the pub, where the van stopped, the white van, we saw all these police starting to arrive and people started screaming running around confused. then we saw armed police raiding the van -- >> so you saw the van as it was ramming people or after it had stopped? >> i think it was moments after
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it had stopped. we were really confused at that moment. then we saw the people running, screaming -- >> that's video you shot -- >> that's what i shot, yeah. because i'm a journalist myself. so i just thought, you know, what's happening -- i knew something was wrong. my friends did too. so we backed away. and that's when the police were running literally screaming get out of here, get out of here. they thought there might av. been a bomb. >> did you see any of the assailants? >> we don't know because as i say people were running around propp but i did see one man in a white shirt or t-shirt running toward london bridge. and the police started running after him. then it's quite hard because there were people running away because we were told to run away. then some were running away. >> it appears the individuals who attacked people with the van later stabbed people at borough market. where you were was --
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>> we saw that, it was in front of a pub restaurant that the police had evacuated and we were wondering whether it had been in there, and it's just on the pavement, so it really looked bizarre. >> police were -- i mean, there was confusion initially because they didn't know how many assailants there were and who among the crowd might also be responsible. they didn't know who was an innocent bystander and who could have been taking part in the attack. >> absolutely. we were just walking around with people and people were just so confused. it was then after when they started putting up the cordon we realized there was a bit more organization. we saw a group of 100 people coming with tears in their eyes, shocked. i speak french, and i overheard from one telling someone literally that a loved person had passed. and that was really hard to hear. >> you heard people speaking in french saying i saw someone killed -- >> we could hear some conversations with some people that were killed and it was horrible. >> at that point when the police kind of moved you away, as far
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away from the scene as possible, what was going through your mind as you were watching all thun fold? >> as i put -- >> did you immediately realize this is an attack, this isn't an accident? >> as i've been learning journalism, you can't say what you don't know. >> that's a very good instinct. but what was going through your mind at the time? >> i did think it maybe was. it just had a feel about did. my mum called me up and told me to go home. but we still stayed. we were about 500 meters away from the scene, and we still stayed as close as we could to find out. we wanted to know if there was something we could do, something to help. >> when you were speaking with people around you, a lot of chaos, confusion. you saw these people with tears in their eyes come from the scene of the attack presumably. what were you discussing with your friends and the people around you? about what to do next. >> we actually -- we missed a train before getting to london bridge. and had we not missed that, we would have arrived ten minutes earlier. and going over that crossroads to get to the bus is exactly
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where it happened. we were wondering what to do. it was already 2:00 in the morning by that time, you know, and you can't just go to bed after that. such a thing that kind of unites everyone. you want to do something. >> kaine pieri, thank you so much. sorry you had to go through such a traumatic thing in london. the number of people injured has risen to 48. the number of people killed in this attack, six. that is the death toll as it stands. samuel burke joins me now live from scotland yard with more on what police have been saying. samuel. >> hala, right now police are trying to make sure for absolute certainty that there were only three attackers. we know that they shot three attackers there on the scene within just eight minutes of when they were called. and what it sounds like from the police is they were fairly
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certain there were only three but they're trying to do everything they can to make sure they know for certain that there isn't somebody else who was a part of this group who could be out there. and part of that isn't just the physical investigation and putting more police presence out on the street here in london this morning but also the digital investigation. police were just out here a short time ago asking anybody here in this area to upload any images or video that they captured on their cell phones. now, we see those images on the news, but they become of great importance to the investigators to try to make sure not only that they understand the timeline perfectly of how this all played out but also to make sure that they have accounted for everybody, both victims and possibly assailants. they want those videos uploaded to this website so they can look to make sure that there isn't somebody else who could still be out there on the loose. i just want to give you a clear picture of how this all played out from the police side. at 10:08 p.m. local time they
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get the first call about that incident you were just talking about with that witness there at london bridge. and they arrive very quickly. they armed vehicles they say patrol 4r07bd day in, day out. shortly after that they realize there's another incident going on in borough market, which again is very, very popular. so many people there, especially on an evening like this, during the weekend, going to restaurants and bars. with within eight minutes they have confronted those three men and shot them. but you see these videos of people pouring out and you can see the confusion, police having to deal with trying to figure out who are the assailants and who are just the innocent pedestrians in nearby areas, people walking with their arms up above their heads as police try to figure out who are the good guys, who are the bad guys in this system. >> all right. thanks very much, samuel burke. we're hearing from police that three assailants they don't believe any more o'aren't loose. initially there was confusion about that as well. aaron cohen is a former member
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of the israeli counterterrorist unit. he is in los angeles and joins me now. and the fact, aaron, that this was a low-tech attack, in other words, that there was no sophistication like a suicide vest or anything like that, makes it much harder for counterterrorist agencies to detect this type of thing because there might not have been any training abroad or even any direct communication with a terrorist group like isis. >> well, exactly right. which is why the security apparatus as far as defense goes inside of england, which is literally a terror -- a siege at this point, a city under siege, has to be dramatically increased. monuments, national structures, schools. let's just think about other places where three non-affiliated wannabe jihadists who can grab machetes, blades, and take a vehicle can also create acts of terror. there's thousands of
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sympathizers. and i've been saying is this for a while. you don't have to be technically connected to a larger terrorist infrastructure like isis to carry out an attack and be legalitial. which is why the defense has to inkra increase. the labeling of the soft targets can no longer be treated softly. we saw it at the concert. 30,000 people. that individual, whether he was connected to isis or not, i don't care. he waited, scouted, realized the best time to strike was at the end of the event near the subway station. blew himself up. ended up killing dozens of people. that's exactly to your point. low-tech -- these terrorists, like you're not going to be able to do surveillance on 20,000 or 10,000 potential survivors who believe creating a caliphate in syria in iraq, but there are these pockets of people throughout europe. it's a dangerous time for europe
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because of the pressure we' on them in the middle east so, they're come on this side of the ocean. therefore the security has to be multilayered. which means every measure would have to fail for a terrorist to reach his target. that's what i believe we need to see, we're going to keep having the same conversation. >> what you mean by that is the soft targets need to be protected about thor with physical barriers, things like that? because you have obviously more than one big landmark location in london. this would require sort of blast walls and all sorts of concrete barriers all across the city. >> i don't think it has to. we're not talking about terrorists -- there's the idea of good security and then there's just good security. we don't need blast walls. think what we're talking about here is if i was a terrorist and i wanted to go injury a crowd of people and i didn't have any affiliation to a sophisticated organization where i could learn how to make a suicide vest and blow people up, where would i go?
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take an honest look at those places. where are the children? where are the large crowds of people? wherever those large crowds of people are, bags need to be checked before people can walk into an establishment. undercover armed police officers need to be around quietly looking for potential red flag indicators. and uniform police on the patrol level like bediscussed needs to be armed. that would cut the response time in half. again, the reason why is for every second wasted once the terror ait can is initiated another innocent person is killed. uniformed, plain-clothed, private security. england needs to employ more private security. they're not going to like the sound of that. too bad. they're going to have to get private security guards trained in counterterrorism response in those large crowds. it is statistically known terrorists will go to the crowds. you have to protect them. >> i know you said that in our previous hour.
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a lot of brits would disagree with you that that's the solution. but that's certainly why this conversation is very important to have in the aftermath of this terrible incident. thanks very much, aaron cohen joining us from l.a. we appreciate your time on the program. our breaking news coverage of the london terror attacks continues right after the break. the u.s. president offering his assistance to london. more on that coming up. boost. it's about moving forward, not back.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. the latest now on our breaking news out of london. at least six people killed, 48 wounded. that's the latest figure. saturday night in back-to-back terrorist attacks in central london. three suspected attackers were also shot and killed. so far there's been no claim of responsibility, which is not unusual. it usually takes several hours if not days before any group would take responsibility. in this case the main suspect is isis though that has not been confirmed. that has not been confirmed. multiple victims were stabbed in a rampage through borough market, which is a busy area buzzing with nimes, young people going out to of cafes, bars and restaurants. just moments earlier, you see it on the map, a vehicle race add cross london bridge not far from borough market swerving and slamming into crowds of pedestrians. let's bring in our senior
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international correspondent fred pleitgen with more. as i was mentioning, no claim of responsibility. the m.o., though, in keeping with attacks we've seen before. claimed by isis. >> think that i that's clear to say, claimed by isis. it isn't clear if isis is behind them. if you look at the berlin attack. amri said he was doing this as someone who was fighting for isis. so yeah, this looks like those vehicle attacks that we've seen in places like nice, places like berl berlin, in sweden as well before this. that's something the investigators are going to be looking at. >> and this is becoming common, right? these attacks that are low-tech with knives, with vehicles that post-fact eesis claims responsibility for. they claimed responsibility for the manila incident, and that was a robbery. so it seems the more they're under pressure in the middle east the more they're trying to associate themselves with anything. >> exactly. the more they're trying to associate themselves and the more you see as i said these low-tech attacks.
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that really speaks to the fact the authorities here are pretty good at cracking down on some of these terror networks. you see far fewer attacks that actually involve more sophisticated things like for instance manufacturing explosives. you had the manchester attack but aside from that the attack in westminster was also quite low-tech where someone took a vehicle. and those attacks are of course so difficult to prevent because anybody can get a vehicle and anybody can start something like this. there's not much planning involved in all this. having said that i'm pretty sure at this point in time the police are going to be looking further than the three individuals who were killed there in borough's market. they're going to look at whether there's a broader network, whether there was communications beforehand, whether more people are behind this. whether this is a larger sort of thing they need to be looking at. >> it's becoming depressingly familiar, our coverage of these attacks. describe what it was riek because you got here less than an hour after that first call was made to police at 10:08 p.m. we understand on saturday night.
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what was going on there? >> there was a lot of chaos here. and there was a lot of people still streaming out away from the london bridge location. the police were telling them to move as fast as possible. many had their hands on their heads to show the police that they weren't assailants. because there were so many people out here to begin with and we learned later apparently the police took out the attackers in about eight minutes after they started their rampage. that's pretty remarkable. but of course in that commotion that was going on there were so many people trying to flee the area. it's unclear whether or not there might have been other attackers trying to mingle or mix into that crowd of people running away. and there were people who were really, really, really afraid. >> understandably. >> standing here, watching them come out, it was remarkable. the police was quite calm but also really ensuring that they get out as fast as possible because at the same time there was a massive amount of assets moving in there were ambulances moving in. special police units moving in.
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heavily armed police units coming in, sweeping the police area. they need to clear the area out very, very quickly. it was really an operation that showed the professionalism of the london police. >> in less than ten minutes. >> to get them in less than ten minutes but also the pace at which they moved assets in here and the pace at which they moved people out to make sure they were free to conduct their investigation and the ongoing operation as they still didn't know if they were searching for people. it was really good to see a terrible situation like that that the london police was definitely ready for something like this. >> fred pleitgen, thanks very much. cnn's international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now from borough market. there were images of the assailants wearing these bizarre fake explosives belts. what more do we know about that?
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>> the police have said now they are precisely that, they are fake vests, suicide vests if you will, and it's not clear why they wore them. but 2 would certainly cause maximum terror. we don't know what they had planned to do, what they had planned to do flex after stabbing people. the police very likely surprised them by being on the scene so quickly and by confronting them with such deadly force so quickly. it could have been part of a plan to go and sow more terror in other places by giving the impression that they were potentially going to blow themselves up. we just don't know. but that's obviously a line of inquiry for the police. but for police the relief that this wasn't actually explosives because that would have meant that somewhere there was a bomb-making factory and there was a need 20 find out the location of that. that is removed from the table. but theresa may, her cobra meeting today with the senior defense counterterrorism
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intelligence, police officials, secretary of transport is often there as well. he's a key figure in the broad spectrum of what the government does now. how does it posture itself, how does it posture the security forces to give people peace of mind on the streets of london because this is now the second attack in london, the third attack recently, said that's part of a consideration. so knowing that this wasn't explosives in those vests will allow them to make a better informed decision, but there is absolutely no doubt we heard it from the police overnight. there will be additional police and there are additional police on the streets. but getting to the point of providing the level of security that people are going to feel that they want in this environment, that is going to be tough. and that's going to be something
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of political messaging for theresa may as well to manage that, the expectations and concerns there. hala. >> all right. nic robertson, thanks very much. you're watching our continuing coverage of the terror rampage in london. six people killed. 48 is the latest figure of people injured. more on the breaking news story when we return. (quiet chatter) (soft gasp) (record scratching) ( ♪ ) (excited chatter) ( ♪ ) various: whoa! (mixed exclamations) ( ♪ ) (cheering) ( ♪ ) of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette.
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welcome back. i'm hala gorani. if you're just joining us we want to update you on breaking news as we continue to broadcast live from london. it is 6:42 a.m. here in the british capital. at least six people have now been confirmed killed. 48 hospitalized in a pair of terrorist attacks in the british capital. three assailants were also shot dead. so far no claim of responsibility. here's what we also know. there was a first incident. police say a speeding van mowed down pedestrians on london bridge. police then say from there the van drove to nearby borough market. panick customers went running for as wtheir livenesses say the attackers started stabbing people. we also have this picture taken by a witness which shows two men on the ground. they were wearing fake explosive vests. we don't know for sure if they were the assailants. and they are, as you can see
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there, that belt, that fake suicide belt worn by the man in the foreground in that picture. but police say they shot and killed three suspects in borough market within eight minutes of receiving the initial emergency call at 10:08 p.m. local time. here is the latest update from the police. >> we're treating this as a terrorist incident and a full investigation is already under way, led by london's counterterrorism command. you will understand that our knowledge of the incident is still growing but at the moment what we understand is as follows. at eight minutes past 10:00 last night we began to receive reports that a vehicle had struck pedestrians on london bridge. the vehicle continued to drive from london bridge to borough market. the suspects left the vehicle, attempted to stab a number of people, including an on-duty british transport police officer
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who was responding to the incident, and he received serious injuries, fortunately not life-threatening. his family have been informed. armed response officers responded very k quick le and bravely and shot the three suspects who were shot and killed in borough market. the suspects had been confronted and shot by police within eight minutes of the first call. the suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests but these were later established to be hoaxes. the ongoing operation is led by the met working with steed of london police rngs transport police and londoning bloons and fire services. at this stage we believe that sadly six people have died in addition to the three tackers shot by police. and there are at least 20 casualties taken to six hospitals around london but numbers are still rising. i'd like to repeat our request for londoners to avoid the areas
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of london bridge and borough market to enable the emergency services to continue this operati operation. >> the latest update there from london police. now, world leaders have reacted to what happened in land yesterday evening. australia's prime minister malcolm turnbull tweeted, "our prayers and resolute solidarity as always are with the people of britain in the face of the shocking terror attacks in london." the president of the european union commission yaen jean-claude junker said "our prayers and res lou solidarity are today as wls with the people of britain in the face of the shocking terrorist attacks in london." jens stoltenberg tweeted "thoughts with those affected by the bruta london bridge attacks. we stand togetr witthe people of london." joined bygent bobby chacon in palm springs california.
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right now what are authorities doing? a few hours after these tragic attacks, what is k35k9ly is standard procedure right now? >> they're getting people's driver's licenses, passports, any kind of visas. if they're uk citizens, then they were born there. when they went to zoschool -- >> but at this stage -- >> yes. >> sorry. go ahead. finish your thought. >> so they're also searching their social media. they're looking at any associates, criminal histories, what were they arrested for, who were they arrested with. if they've traveled internationally, they're working with their international partners to try to find out where they traveled and when they traveled, what they did there, doing all that general background information similar to what we found out after manchester within eight hours to twelve hours we had the person's
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history, we know who his father was, his brother was. when he dame back from london. they take fingerprints, run them through their systems, try to find out who they are. they've probably already visited family members if they have family members in the area. they probably visited their homes where they lived, where they may have gone to school. they're trying to find out every bit of information, who they had contact with. if they went to school, their university. they're doing all those things now to develop a background picture of who these guys were. >> and bobby, the fact there were three assailants in this case, does that change anything in terms of the investigation? >> well, i mean, you assume that these guys were friends or cohorts of somehow. we don't even know, but if they went to the same house of worship or if they went to the same school, if they worked together. you know, that's what we're going to play into their
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contact. because their contact, whenever they were together is when they planned theed things. they already know why the plan pla plan -- how they had the van. the fact there were three of them, you assume they were friends. now you start building a groups. five or six friends that hung out together. then you go to the other two or three guys, did you hear anything about this, do they know anything about this. they're going to be looking at their e-mails. that is how they'll determine if it was limited to these three or they were part of alarger group of even just friends or university or whatever they were part of because everybody's part of something. whatever they're part of what was that larger picture for these guys and did anyone in that larger picture know or have an idea they were going to carry this out? >> all right. bobby chacon, thanks very much. joining us from california.
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you're watching cnn. stay with our breaking news coverage of the london terror attacks. we'll be right back. so, if anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now. (coughs) so sorry. oh no... it's just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be live streaming the wedding and he's not getting any service. i missed like, the whole thing. what? and i just got an unlimited plan. it's the right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. it's built to work better in cities. tell you what, just use mine. thanks. no problem. all right, let's go live. say hi to everybody who wasn't invited! (vo) when you really, really want the best, switch to verizon unlimited and get our best smartphones for just $15 a month. you ready? by their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to... ...choose luvs than first time moms. live, learn, & get luvs.
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clear the streets. it all started when a van plowed into pedestrians at london bridge. so much confusion police didn't know who among the people escaping might have been at attacker one witness says he saw someone jump into the water to avoid getting hit there is the van on the skren for you. the attackers started stabbing people at borough market on the other side of the bridge. it hapz on 10:00 p.m. on busy saturday night so far for claim of responsibility for the aches. the american president president trump has spoken to prime minister theresa may he offered condolences and support in investigating attacks. athena jones has more from the white house. >> president trump has been briefed by his national security team about the incidents in london that team was continuing to provide updates to the president as the situation unfolds. president trump also look to twitter saturday evening tweeting first at about 7:17
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saying we need to smart vigilant and tough we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need the travel ban as an extra level of safety. now the president does not mention london or the incidents in london in the tweet but we do know that one of the justifications the administration has put forward for these controversial travel ban affecting six muslim majority countries is the idea of preventing terror. of course the travel ban is stuck in court. the second tweet came just a few minutes later from the president saying whatever the united states can do to help out in london and the uk we will be there. we are with you. god bless. so the president there offering support to the folks in london. of course the white house is going to continue to monitor this and we will continue to monitor whatever reaction or further responses we get from the white house and share those with you. back to you. >> athena jones at the white
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house. thanks very much. six people determined killed and the number of injured has ris ton 48 according to authorities. being treated at hospital appear 10:08 "a" was the first report of a vehicle plowing into pedestrians came in within ten minutes three suspected anlts assailants where a taken but police wearing suspected. live from the british capitol hala gorani max foster continues our coverage you're with cnn we'll be right back. sunlight this bright... ...this bright... ...or even this bright. if a paint could protect your door's color against the strongest uv rays... makes you wonder... is it still paint? aura grand entrance from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores.
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11:00 pm
welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world max foster in london. six people are dead in a braisen terror ram panl startwood a van speeding across london bridge mowing down pedestrians people flying in the air and the van swerved into on coming lanes. british media say this is a picture of the rental van. police say the van drove towards borough market, panicked p


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